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Version: 24.9


Enabled shows a list of the microservices that are activated for the selected organization, they can be viewed in block form or table form.


By clicking on the name of the microservice you can see specific information about it, such as the author, creation date, type of license and efficiency, which is the estimated time the user will save when running the script. It is also possible to access the code, with the possibility to clone it and even edit it.


Another way to access the list of enabled microservices is from the Marketplace section (in block view), where each microservice will show its status: a green dot if it is enabled and a grey one if it is not.

Enabling a microservice makes it visible and opens the possibility for it to be executed from the Workspaces module, either from the Workspaces tab (system context) or from the Sessions tab (session context), depending on how the microservice has been configured in Portal.

End-user execution

When a microservice is enabled, the user has the option to add a button for that microservice on their device's Home screen. To do this, you have to enable the End user execution option from Recipients, once you have selected the microservice you want to manage.